1 January 2017, Sunday.
2016 has gone past in a flash, every year seem to be passing even faster than before. When I was younger, all I wanted was to grow up but now growing up encompasses more than just ageing in years.
2016 was a year filled with a handful of happy moments, some surprises, some sad, some frustration/resentment but mostly thankful for everything that God has provided me with.
It was a year where i moved on from corporate work after two years, and got back into the world of books. Being a university student has been a wonderful time of new knowledge, experience and friends. I have enjoyed every bit of studying, despite its challenges, because it is going to be awhile or perhaps the last phase of my life studying on full-mode.
This year i caught up with old friends whom I have missed out for yearsss; renewing memories and creating new ones. Thankful for them who are there and take the initiative to meet up despite busy schedules.
This year was also about taking chances, there may not always be a second chance in life, so always reach out to whatever that makes you happy. At least you won't regret for not taking the opportunity, and for all you know it may turn out great.
In June, I also lost my paternal grandfather (previous post) who returned to Heaven to be with God. It made me treasure my family even more, because age is catching up and life is fragile.
I concluded the year, by myself with music drowning my soul.
2017, please be awesome to me.
Since it is my year (rooster), I wish for true happiness in whatever that comes my way, good health for everyone, finding an ideal job with good prospects, prosperity and peace.
God Bless.
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