Thursday, September 20, 2012

As I was bathing earlier on, I thought about what defines beauty. Random because of the new Channel 8 entertainment programme (S.N.A.P). I doubt I'm the only person who thinks while showering. It's the best time to think about things (second being long bus rides, train no, I wonder why)

Here goes my two cents worth.

Beauty is more than just a pretty face. In order to be the real perfect (wait, there's no perfection) beauty, one have to possess internal and external beauty.

External beauty meaning your appearance. Women with cosmetics or surgically enhanced can be very gorgeous or 'perfect', however, under all that, they may not have the best skin or whatsoever.
Here comes my point that if you're a true blue babe, you look great even without make up. And more people are improving this main external factor by going for facials of all kinds.

Internal beauty obviously, refers to the character, traits, habits and attitudes of an individual. People around you and religion are highly influencers of your life and thus can change you. Change is constant, hence keep changing for the better yeah?

So don't let the society, media or mean people judge or define who you are. Confidence comes from yourself and don't let others bring you down.

Cheers to one more day to weekend!

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