Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This is a continuation of my previous post. 
Continuing after the streets of Hollywood and New York, here's featuring the Ancient Egypt and more!

Was excited to visit this area because there's hot/handsome (maybe?) Egyptians look-a-like!
To my disappointment, I did not see one throughout my trip.
Hahaha B must be really -.- although he didn't say anything, coz everytime I walked past I was looking out for them :p 
Anyway took the Revenge of the Mummy ride here, it was incredible but slightly scary. Loved how there was exhibits of some Egyptian items, it was as though we were in the Pyramids and Egyptian caves!! 
Then it became scary because we were underground (can't stand darkness) in the entire trip with bolts of flame (literally can feel the heat ok!)

Second celebrity performer photo. 
Pardon how we all look horribly messy after being under the sun. It was mad hot and sticky by this time! 
The person look cooler than any of us. 

A definite photo with the tall crafted Egyptian guards, it is so badly taken due to the low angle. 
Unfortunately I was the only female & the only one that want to take photographs. 
Why oh why. Look quite plump here :/

Mandatory pictures of the attractions! I wonder how heavy these structures are.
Moving on to The Lost World.. 

Next, we visited the Waterworld
The culture was vibrant and fun which made the performance were good!
I found it really wonderful that less than 10 performers could make up the whole show within 25 minutes or so. Although the story line was silly (same ol' love & action), the effects were fascinating!
My eyes were kept busy throughout because there was action all around! :D

This location was another attraction that I looked forward to! Another I wasn't a fan of Shrek, but I love anything like palaces/kingdom. So here comes, Far Far Away. The palace is so carefully crafted to mimic an actual one, the colors are perfect, so romantic and cutesy!

Famished after afew rides and lotsa of walking. Settled at Goldilocks for lunch! 
The chicken was no doubt delicious but very oily. Of course, prices were above market rate but still manageable. 

After lunch, we went for a relaxing attraction, Shrek 4D Adventure. Had a pleasant time except of the sudden tickling at the leg area. 
The waiting time was awful and abit warm. Some customers even had the cheek to lug their luggage in the queue, really?! Such things should be banned as it makes waiting worse.  

Till the next post, keep scrolling!

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